Heather Primary School
Welcome to the website for Heather Primary School. We are a small village primary that provides education for 4-11 year olds. We’re very proud of our children, our staff, our school and everything we achieve together.
Heather Primary School – Aiming High
Mission Statement:
At Heather Primary School, our mission is to inspire and educate each child, through a well-rounded curriculum to become a well-motivated and independent citizen with the skills, resilience and aspiration to realise their full potential and become a lifelong learner.
Our Values and Ethos
Ensure that our children enjoy life-long learning through a rich and varied curriculum, enhancing their creative and imaginative skills.
Encourage each child to reach their full potential as a valued member of Heather Primary School.
Provide opportunities for the pupils to develop and make responsible and informed choices about their behaviour and their learning.
Develop children who are increasingly aware of their own health and mental well-being, the local community, the wider world and its cultures.
Provide children with the opportunities to develop their confidence and skills to be successful in the future.
Develop children to work both independently and collaboratively throughout all aspects of school life.
Our core key values are:
Resilience Respect Reflection
We aspire for all our children to be:
Curious and Creative
Polite and Respectful
Noticing to make connections
School timings:
Doors Open 8:45am - Early Bird Work
Registration 8:55am
Break - 10:45am
Lunch - 12:00pm-1pm
School Day Ends for All - 3:15pm
Mrs Maxine Michalowski – Headteacher
If you require a paper copy of the information on our school’s website, please contact the School Office - 01530 260257

Latest News
See what we've been doing...
Outdoor Learning
Not all learning has to be done in the clasroom! We've been out and about learning about the world around us as well as polishing up our teamwork and physical skills.
Part of our broad and balanced curriculum includes learning and find out about important celebrations
Year 6 2024
Our year 6 pupils get to choose their own colour T-shirts. This year they are in resplendent in red - photo to follow shortly!

Year 5/6 have been to do the ARETE OEC in Llanrug where they did gorge walking, bush craft, beach art, rock climbing, rafting amongst numerous other activities that involved getting wet!!

Year 3/4 have been to do the Beaumanor Hall where they did den building, canoeing, climbing, archery and hiding in the cellars!!!
School Grant Guide
Schools are often faced with tight budgets and can struggle to find funds to make improvements around the site. A&S Landscape, a school canopy supplier, has collected information from 75 grant providers to help schools find a source of funding for their projects. This guide is updated monthly and can be downloaded for free here.