Our Governing Body
Dawn Guzzetta- Chair of Governors (Local Authority Governor ) - Quality of Education Committee, SEND, GDPR
I Live in Heather and want to contribute in someway to the life of the village. I have been a teacher for 37 years having worked in 5 secondary schools across the West Midlands and Leicestershire. I took semi-retirement from being a Deputy Head in December 2021 and now work part time at a school in Nuneaton.
I am passionate about education and children being given the opportunities to reach their full potential. Having worked in secondary education I am only too aware of the importance of primary education in ensuring that children get a good start in life.
I am currently the SEND Governor, as a qualified SENCO I am aware of the needs of SEN pupils and the importance of early intervention.
I hope that my experience enables me to be a knowledgeable and enlightened Governor at Heather Primary school.
Becky Smith (Staff Governor ) -Quality of Education Committee
I have been a Staff governor since July 2022.
I have 1 child and have worked in schools for 7 years, starting as a teaching assistant then taking my PGCE and gaining my QTS. I have now been a Class teacher at Heather Primary school for 6 years. During these 6 years, I have taught in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I am currently teaching in Caterpillar class (EYFS/Year 1)
Becoming staff governor was important for me as I believe it is crucial for both children and staff to work and learn in a stimulating and safe environment and provide all with opportunities to encourage them to strive.
Bethany Hincks (Co-opted Governor ) - Finance and Resources Committee, MASH (before and after school club provision) and risk register
I have been a co-opted governor since June 2022. I am currently a member of the Finance & Resource Committee.
I am a certified chartered accountant and work as a senior manager within a top 10 accounting firm in Birmingham.
I became a governor as I wanted to carry out a voluntary role which allowed me to give back to my local community using my skills and experience gained during the last 10 years of my career in finance.
I have specific experience in auditing local authorities, NHS organisations and schools (including academies). As an auditor I have experience of scrutinising financial statements, assessing value for money as well as understanding governance arrangements, risks and challenges. So I am hoping to bring this perspective to my role within the school.
I have lived in Ashby de la Zouch all my life, although I did work and live in San Francisco for 5 months in 2019 which was an incredible experience which took me outside of my comfort zone to develop me personally and professionally.
My hope for the school, staff and children is for Heather Primary School to be supportive, collaborative and an inspirational school to be a part of. Shaping children for their future and to allow them to look back on their time at primary school with fond memories and lifelong friendships.
Claire Ottey (Parent Governor) -Quality of Education Committee, Well-being
I have been a Parent governor since July 2022. I am currently a member of the Quality of Education committee. I am married with one child and we have lived in Heather for 8 years. My daughter is currently in Year 3 at Heather Primary School.
I wanted to be a Parent Governor so that I could be more active in what is happening at the school and in supporting them. My daughter has Type 1 Diabetes and I wanted to be able to give something back to the School as they are fantastic in helping with this condition.
I have been a Legal Secretary/Accounts Manager/Office Manager for over 20 years. I feel I have the skills to help the school in different ways and anyway I can, I will do my very best.
It has been interesting learning all about what is needed to help the school run, and how I can help with this.
I, like many parents want the best for my child and if I can help in anyway in making our children feel happy and confident then I will do my very best to do that.
Hannah Kendrick (Parent Governor) - Quality of Education Committee, Safeguarding, Phonics
I have been a Parent governor since March 2022. I am currently a member of the Achievement committee. I am also one of the the lead governors for EYFS, Phonics and Safeguarding which involves regular visits into school, monitoring the achievement and attainment of children and ensuring effective safeguarding procedures are in place as set out in the School Development Plan.
I am married with two children and my family and I have lived in Heather for the past 6 years.
My daughter is in Year 2 at Heather Primary School and my son will be starting Reception in August.
I wanted to be a Parent Governor so that I could have a more active role in supporting the school.
I have been a Primary School teacher for the last 20 years. I am very interested in Education and making a difference to children’s lives. I understand parents’ needs as well as the challenges a school face. As a new governor, I hope to be an asset to the school, dedicating my time to be a proactive and effective governor.
Just like every parent at Heather Primary School, I want the very best for my children. I feel it is important that every child at Heather is happy, safe, confident and strives to become the very best they can be.
Karen Edwards (Co-opted Governor) - Finance and Resources Committee, Attendance
With my children growing up I felt I had more time to take on the role of co-opted governor. It would give me the opportunity to learn new skills. It will also enable me to use the skills/experience I have developed through my working and personal life.
I have volunteered for my children’s PTA and held committee posts in different sports clubs. I also have experience through my work of performance and financial management and of working as part of a team.
I am new to the governing body and look forward to finding out more about the school and what it offers for the children of Heather. Being part of a school that is very much part of the village appealed to me, even though I do not live in Heather. I look forward to helping the school build on the foundations that are already in place and to meet its and the pupil’s aspirations.
Sara Riley-Lowndes (Co-opted Governor) - Finance and Resources Committee, SFVS, PE
I have been a co-opted governor since July 2022. I am currently a member of the Finance & Resource Committee.
I have 2 teenage children and have worked in schools for over 10 years, starting as an administrative assistant over 10 years ago working my way up to school business manager within another local school.
Prior to my current role I worked as the office manager for Heather Primary School and was the staff governor. I asked to remain on the governing body when I left the employment as I wanted to continue to support the school and help support the school, staff and children to achieve their full potential.
Steve Johnson (Parent Governor Governor) - Finance and Resources Committee, Health and Safety
I have been a parent governor since March 2022. I am currently a member of the finance and Resources committee.
I have one child currently in year 5 at Heather Primary School and one who has just finished and progressed on to the High School.
I want to be a parent governor because I’d like to continue to help the school, not only in a practical sense, but also at strategic level, to help the school and the governing board reach its objectives. I wanted to give something back to the community and what better way than supporting the education of the children within it.
Working in a safety critical environment where good communication is key, I am used to adhering to strict policies and procedures. An important part of my job in the fire service is being able to work effectively in a team to achieve a shared goal. This is something I feel would benefit my role on the governing body.
I feel it is important as a parent to be on the governing body because, alongside the staff, no one is more concerned with quality of teaching and learning provision of the school. I feel it is important that the leadership team at Heather Primary feel supported in the education of our children. Having our children’s best interest at heart means that we also should have the school’s best interest at heart, which makes me committed to the school’s continuous improvement.
Miles Blackburn (Parent Governor Governor) - Quality of Education Committee
I became a Parent-Governor in 2023. My wife and I moved to Heather in 2016 and now have two children who attend the school. We love living in the village and are keen to be active members of the community.
I was motivated to volunteer because I am proud of our village school and keen to support in any way I can. I have enjoyed visiting the school, observing engagement in lessons and speaking with pupils, and have been very impressed with the passion, aspiration, planning and dedication the teaching staff have demonstrated.
I am a HR professional (CIPD) and have spent my whole career working with people and businesses in various leadership and HR roles. I hope my skills and experience will enable me to contribute positively to the work of the Governing body and to support the school in it's mission to inspire and educate our children.