Religious Education
“RE seeks to make a major contribution to the spiritual, intellectual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils.” Leicestershire Agreed Syllabus.
At Heather, we aim to explore the teachings, beliefs, religious traditions and practices of the major faiths and encourage children to grow in their awareness and understanding of these. Children are encouraged to explore their ideas, express their opinions and show understanding and respect for others. During lessons, children are engaged, inspired and challenged to ensure they are fully equipped to question their ideas and make positive contributions to discussions.
RE is taught across the school using the Leicestershire Agreed Syllabus and RE Today. It is taught as a stand-alone subject and not usually as part of the Topic Curriculum, however links are made where possible. Within each Key Stage, this is usually taught each week, although this may be taught in blocks or half days. In addition to this, regular assemblies (often with local visitors) support this provision.
This subject is taught creatively where possible and takes a practical hands-on approach to learning through exploring artefacts, visiting places of worship and celebrating festivals. Children are introduced to key Christian festivals (Harvest, Christmas and Easter) during their time at Heather. These are celebrated annually within the school and in the wider community through trips, local visits, performances and visitors to school.
Religious Education Curriculum Map 2023-25