School Uniform
We ask children to wear school uniform, which ensures that the whole school looks smart and helps to give everyone a sense of pride in representing our school. Our uniform is:
Grey/black trousers/skirt or pinafore dress
Royal blue/white polo shirts – ones with the school logo can be purchased from our uniform suppliers if you wish
Royal blue sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece – ones with the school logo can be purchased from our uniform suppliers if you wish
In the summer grey/black school shorts (not denim or sports
wear) or blue gingham dress/skorts may be worn
Plain, white/black/grey socks or tights
Black sensible shoes – no open toes, no heel more than 3 cm
We encourage the children to be well presented for school. This includes long hair being tied back. Dyed and dip dyed hair is not suitable for school. The wearing of large/additional hair accessories/adornments is discouraged as they can prove to be a distraction. Make-up and nail varnish should not be worn. If a child come to school wearing nail varnish they will be asked to remove it by the following day. If it still isn’t removed, removal wipes will be provided.
Where to buy
School uniform can be ordered from or
Items can be ordered to be delivered direct to you. Please allow at least 28 days for delivery at busy times. We do have some pre-loved uniform in school. Please ask at the school office if you would like to see what we have.
Lost Uniform
Please make sure all uniform is named – it helps us reunite lost items quickly as it can be distressing to children if they can’t find their clothing easily. There is a small lost property box in school. Please ask if you need o look in it.
We actively discourage children from wearing jewellery in school from a health and safety point of view. Children are allowed to wear small studded earrings and a sensible watch. We ask the children to remove all jewellery for PE and swimming lessons, including earrings. Those unable to do so will not be allowed to participate in these lessons in the interests of health and safety. If you have your child’s ears pierced, it would be helpful if this took place during the summer holidays as it is usually recommended that they are not removed for six weeks. jewellery remains the responsibility of the children at all times . School accepts NO responsibility for lost items.
Forest School
When you child visits forest school they will need also need wellies and waterproofs. We ask that the children come dressed in track-suit bottoms for for the days. Reception children in Caterpillar Class visit Forest School every week.
PE Kit
We expect all children to come into school with a suitable PE kit every day. Along with the Daily Mile, the children will have two taught PE sessions a week.
Your child will need:
A pair of black shorts – blue/grey/black jogging bottoms in winter – not leggings
A black school PE t-shirt – ordered through school
A fleece/hoody – school hoodies are available from our uniform suppliers
Plimsolls/trainers for EYFS/KS1
Trainers (sports trainers not fashion ones) for KS2 – only send your child into school with trainers with laces if they can actually tie them themselves
Swimming Year 3-6 only – a full swimming costume for girls, trunks, swimming cap and a towel
Please note that football/rugby kits of famous and not so famous teams are not part of our school PE uniform.
It would be most helpful if these were put in a named drawstring bag, which your child could then hang on a peg to be kept safely at school for the whole week. This ensures that they have their PE kit in school on the right days.
School Bags
All children are bought a school book bag by our PTA when they start with us in Reception. This style bag is ideal for school as your child only needs to be able to bring in their school diary and reading books in them. Unfortunately, our cloakrooms do not have the space to accommodate large rucksacks/holdalls, so we would appreciate your support in encouraging your child to continue to use their book bag or a similar sized small bag, as they move up through school.